
So I'm working on the magic system for my fantasy book. So far I've come up with balance (lol surprise surprise) as the key component. To take, you must either deal with the consequence of not giving back or you must balance it and give in equal measure. The first few were easy. Life and death. Simple pure opposites. Next time and time was a fun thought. Time is its own opposite in the form of early and late. they are opposite yet still facets of time. What I did not expect, however, was the difficulty of attempting to balance the elements. I was hoping to make the magic system compared to coins. Life on one side, death on the other and true mastery comes when the wielder can reside in the middle of the coin. Elements are interesting in that they have primary opposites, but then they come with secondary pairings and even tertiary combinations. So out comes the diagram in an attempt to visualize the relationships. What I have noted off to the side that didn't make it into the graphic is the following:

Water + Fire = Earth (water + magma = rock)
Fire + Water = Air (boiling water making steam)
Air + Earth = Fire (lightning strikes making fire)
Earth + Air = Water (This one was hard.... I have it down as air condensing under the pressure/filtration of earth and becoming water.... still unsure on this one)

This, though is where I will build off of I think


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