Balance Pt. 3

So far I have focused on happiness and how the reckless pursuit of it can cause destruction, but on the other side of that is sadness. Sadness and depression feel good to give in to. I know that it sounds backwards, but to wallow in that mire of "woe is me" is easy and comfortable. It creates this place where you eventually feel numb instead of sad and this is seen as admirable. It leads to decay and self destruction in much the same way as focusing on ultimate happiness. Homeostasis again kicks in as the body acclimates to this being the way that life is. This feels nice for a while to the masochist, but then guilt for feeling good kicks in. Much of this masochism and pursuit of sadness comes from a place of self-loathing, a place that says, "I screwed up this small thing, and through my internalized and warped sense of self-worth will magnify this into something I deserve to be eternally punished for."

This self-loathing can have many sources but the first step on that path will always come from outside forces and surroundings. No child looks at themselves and thinks, "I deserve this pain and sadness." A child runs around trying to figure out how the world works and enjoys themselves and creates beautiful creations and holds them out to you with no reserve. They look at what they made and they say, "Look! I made something! Out of nothing! I think that's neato!" They do this with no.... Ulterior motive or agenda, they just want a dash of affirmation to feel less lonely.

So.... In conclusion of this..... Whatever it is, balance is a beautiful goal and doesn't always take the form you would assume. So with that, I wish you all many happy moments and many sad moments. May we never be held back by fear of living.


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